Development, Influence, Artistic Style

Nguyen Duc Huy was born in 1976 in Quang Binh and graduated from The College of Arts at the University of the world heritage city of Hue.

In the world of “perfect body” images, the excessive use of photo shop, the debate about anorectic fashion models, the perspective of beautiful, proud, full-bodied woman is both, a refreshing perspective on real life, as well as a challenge to common beliefs about beauty.

In his paintings, Nguyen Duc Huy uses simple graphical forms (circles, rhombes, squares and triangles) to compose beautiful female bodies, faces, dresses of women that provide very distinct perspective on women and their lives in different scenes, such as pulling a boat, making music, relaxing, etc. He combines simple black and white elements with few colors in either the background, the dresses, or the other objects such as the instruments.

